четверг, 23 февраля 2012 г.

My Logo Research

4 Types of Logo

1. Logos that show text only

2. Logos that are image only

3. Logos that are both image and text

4. Logos that use shape


Minimalism –
Minimalism played down the emotional and aesthetic values in art
The work is about simple form and represents purity in design.
Often inspired by the clean lines of industrial processes.
The Tate Modern building is designed on the lines of minimalism – lots of space, no architectural details, functional – clean lines
Examples of logos that represent minimalist values x 3
Artists related to Minimalism
Robert Morris - He is regarded as one of the most prominent theorists of Minimalism along with Donald Judd

Rules of Planning

1.Write a Proposal & Timeline/Cost Out the Work (excel spreadsheet with invoices and costs – list of services and hourly rates) – Set Terms & Conditions – set targets and proposed completion dates/ set confidentiality agreements

2.Communication – Keep in touch – Consultation with client - Team Meetings – Flow Charts of Progress – Keep Records/Database – Present and offer templates and ideas for feedback

3.Research & Investigate – ideas/mood-boards, ethics, copy right – check out the concept has it been used before? What are the sustainability consequences? Will you be eco friendly with your design? Follow the design cycle.

For this project I will carefuly read the brief to see what client needs, and then will find out how much time will it take to complete the work. I will also communicate with a client, to discuss the ideas, and meet with my design team to find out how to make ideas real. Also I will do a research into relavent festivals to see, what are the trends and common things in them all, and try to make something new, that hasnt been done ever before.

John Grimwade

He is an artist that creates very technical information graphics and icons for different interfaces.

Second logo idea

Firrst Logo idea for Chi Fest

Spider diagramm about promotion using graphics

понедельник, 20 февраля 2012 г.

Researching into soundfest graphics


In this project we will have to design a range of marketing and promotional posters, leaflets and flyers for Chi-Fest. This exercise will demonstrate my skill in creating Informational graphics.

Information graphics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. With an information graphic, computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians develop and communicate concepts using a single symbol to process information.

The goal is also to design a chart/poster that will indicate where all the events are on in the Collage – a sort of overview – finder.

To start with I will be re-designing the logo for Chi-Fest. I will start the design process by researching past festival logos on-line and ways and methods of designing eye-catching logos. I will research artists who have worked in the field of logo and poster design and look at contextual influences connected to a range of different art movements.

I will also be showing how I can promote my own art and design by creating posters and flyers for a graphics art exhibition that will be part of the Chi-Fest. This will take the form of a virtual exhibition hall online, which will display the work of the group and my team members. I will design web banners and posters to promote the site and investigate methods used for online – marketing and promotion.

I have a design time of three weeks to get this work ready to present to my tutor and the festival team.

Designing a PowerPoint for the presentation will be an important part of my work – this is because by putting it together it will automatically check that I have achieved the required work for the project.

Parts of this project I will design with my team. The main part the team will work on will be to design the information graphic chart/poster.

Week 1

Write Proposal
Team roles and responsibilities
Write Marketing Plan
Logo Design
Research information graphics

Theater Photography

German Expressionism research&response

Poster design

Cubism response

Dance photography

Map design


catch up.


четверг, 2 февраля 2012 г.

JOsef Muller Bruckman based artwork
My Alien friend. Photoshop manipuu
My final design for The Process CD cover
Ice cream Brighton Fringe postcard.
My BBC I-dentt, based on Alien and UFO theme. Made in Foundry Nuke and Photoshop
Postcard made based on Dan Mountford work. Brighton Pavilion and siluette of a woman.